2021-04-09 17:53:27 UTC
I recently had to restore my workstation. As it happened I did not restore
the /usr/share/skel files, .history is what my question is about. As you
know <esc>p will match commands earlier typed in with the pattern on the
line. There are a couple of commands I type incessantly. <esc>p did not
pick these up immediately, but after a while it has "learned" about the
commands. However this works it does not seem to be via .commands. Does
anyone know how tcsh starts "remembering" repeated commands?
the /usr/share/skel files, .history is what my question is about. As you
know <esc>p will match commands earlier typed in with the pattern on the
line. There are a couple of commands I type incessantly. <esc>p did not
pick these up immediately, but after a while it has "learned" about the
commands. However this works it does not seem to be via .commands. Does
anyone know how tcsh starts "remembering" repeated commands?