Your FreeBSD daemon logo
2004-12-13 10:30:03 UTC
Dear FreeBSD team,

we've a question regarding the usage of your FreeBSD daemon logo on our webpage. On


we provide a free software for market research data analysis for Win, Linux and SunOS. Now, as of several requests from FreeBSD users, our intention is to compile and provide a FreeBDS version. On the upper right corner of our page, you can find a download option with appropriate gif pictures for the different operating systems. Here we would apprechiate to have your explicitly allowance to use a copy of your daemon gif logo. Please let me know if it's possible or, for any legal restrictions, is there is an alternate option?

Many thanks in advance,
Volker Hoffmann,
CCOUNT development team
Josef Grosch
2004-12-13 11:08:03 UTC
Post by v***@pan-data.org
Dear FreeBSD team,
we've a question regarding the usage of your FreeBSD daemon logo on our webpage. On
we provide a free software for market research data analysis for Win, Linux and SunOS. Now, as of several requests from FreeBSD users, our intention is to compile and provide a FreeBDS version. On the upper right corner of our page, you can find a download option with appropriate gif pictures for the different operating systems. Here we would apprechiate to have your explicitly allowance to use a copy of your daemon gif logo. Please let me know if it's possible or, for any legal restrictions, is there is an alternate option?
Many thanks in advance,
Volker Hoffmann,
CCOUNT development team
The FreeBSD logo is copyrighted by Kirk McKusick. This page will explain
more about the image. http://www.freebsd.org/copyright/daemon.html. You
should contact him if you wish to use the logo in a commercial
venture. Kirk is a very reasonable man about the use of the logo.

Josef Grosch | Another day closer to a | FreeBSD 5.3
***@MooseRiver.com | Micro$oft free world | Berkeley, Ca.
Ted Mittelstaedt
2004-12-13 11:10:56 UTC
Graphic images of the FreeBSD mascot, referred to as "the BSD daemon"
in most literature on the subject, are copyright by the artists
that draw them. You must get permission from those artists. For
example, Marshall Kirk McKusick drew these here and if you use any
of them you must get his permission:


The BSD daemon in the logo on the website, here:

Loading Image...

Is a mirror of this image:

Loading Image...

and permission should be got from Marshall for use of it. This image
is probably the most popular of all the images of the BSD daemon. In
general Marshall gives permission for use of this image to just
about anyone that asks to use it in FreeBSD-related items.

You also have the option of drawing your own BSD daemon, or
contracting someone to draw it. For example my book cover here:

Loading Image...

uses a BSD image that was drawn by an artist within Addison-Wesley,
thus is copyright by Addison-Wesley, not by Marshall. For
another example, Darby Daemon, here:


is copyrighted by Susannah Coleman. As you can probably see there's
wide variation in the images people have drawn.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 2:30 AM
Subject: Your FreeBSD daemon logo
Dear FreeBSD team,
we've a question regarding the usage of your FreeBSD daemon logo on our webpage. On
we provide a free software for market research data analysis for
Win, Linux and SunOS. Now, as of several requests from FreeBSD
users, our intention is to compile and provide a FreeBDS version.
On the upper right corner of our page, you can find a download
option with appropriate gif pictures for the different operating
systems. Here we would apprechiate to have your explicitly
allowance to use a copy of your daemon gif logo. Please let me
know if it's possible or, for any legal restrictions, is there is
an alternate option?
Many thanks in advance,
Volker Hoffmann,
CCOUNT development team
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